Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Swimming vs. Lancaster Catholic HS
6.0 years ago @ 8:54PM
- Game Date
- Dec 18, 2018
- Score
- COMETSPenn Manor High School: 115.00
The Penn Manor Girls Swim Team backed up their success last Thursday with another win tonight. Sweeping every event, the girls team improved from last week with 6 season best as a team. First place winners include: 200 Medley Relay - Senior Erica Shaub, Junior Kaily Stoner, Sophomore Jalyn Clow, and Freshmen Avery Groff (2:01.64), 200 Freestyle: Senior Ann Sugra (2:05.19), 200 Individual Medley: Sophomore Jalyn Clow (2:35.41)), 50 Freestyle: Junior Kailey Stoner (26.90), 100 Butterfly: Sophomore Jalyn Clow (1:07.90), 100 Freestyle: Senior Anna Sugra (56.83), 500 Freestyle: Freshman Avery Groff (5:26.9), 200 Freestyle Relay: Junior Kailey Stoner, Senior Kelly Johnson, Junior Jordyn Kendig, and Senior Anna Sugra (1:52.10), 100 Backstroke: Senior Erica Shaub (1:04.67), 100 Breaststroke: Junior Kailey Stoner (1:17.76), 400 Freestyle Relay: Sophomore Jalyn Clow, Junior Jordyn Kendig, Sophomore Carli May, and Senior Anna Sugra (4:10.18)