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17th Annual Kick-Off Classic
Updated on 06/10/2022
17th Annual Kick-Off Classic
The Kick-Off Classic and Chicken BBQ, will be held on Thursday, August 30th at Comet Field. Tickets cost $10 apiece and include 1/2 chicken, potato, apple sauce, roll, and a drink. Food will be served from 5:00-6:30pm, with the Kick-Off event, Pep Rally, and Raffle, beginning at 6:45. All proceeds will go to the Penn Manor Athletic Scholarships.
Team members are encouraged to attend, if possible. We will meet as a group outside of the gate at 6:30 and then sit on the field with the Varsity Cross Country teams during the event. It’s a great community event that gets our Fall Sports seasons underway!
I will have tickets available for purchase by Thursday afternoon.