penn manor athletics

Home of the comets

Boys Varsity Football

Staff Bios.

Mike Korom

Head Coach Grade 7 to 9-Varsity

Boys Varsity Football

Head Coach Grade 9 Mike Korom is beginning his 2nd year as the Head Junior High Coach. He attended Archbishop Wood High School and Clarion University. Mike has been a teacher and coach since 1977. Before coming to Penn Manor, Mike was the Head Freshman Football Coach at JP McCaskey. He has been a Varsity Assistant Coach at Central Bucks and Downingtown and Varsity Head Coach at Valley Forge Military Academy, Harriton, Unionville and Twin Valley. Coach Korom has won 2 District I Championships with Harriton High School and Valley Forge Military Academy. He has also been the Head Coach in The Montgomery County All-Star Game and The Delaware County Hero Bowl. Mike and his wife, Virginia, live in Manheim and enjoy traveling, going to concerts and spending time with their family.