2023 Comets
penn manor athletics
Home of the comets
Boys Varsity Football
Player Handbook
The Player Handbook provides parents and players with additional specific information on many different topics. Please take the time to review the information and ask the coach if you have any questions. This handbook has been developed to attempt to answer many common asked questions.
The player handbook section contains additional information:
Attendance Requirements
Captain Requirement
Code of Conduct
Communication with Parents and Players
Education and Eligibility Requirements
Equipment and Uniform Information-what to buy and not buy
Event Descriptions
Hudl-(page under construction)
Injury Protocol
Junior Varsity Team
Player and Parent Responsibilities
Post Season (Jan to April): Athletes are required to attend all off season events possible. Players who participate in additional sports must keep the coach informed as their lack of attendance will be understood. However, the coaching staff will attempt to make modifications to the schedule to support dual athletes if possible. Other athletes need to make every attempt to schedule family, social, and work events around the football calendar. Family vacations and special events are understandable, just please keep the coach informed in advance for the purpose of team planning. Players are requested to attend lifting 3 times a week unless in another sport. However, most dual sport players have found a way to stay connected and continue to lift to be a part of the team.
Pre Season (May to July): In May the preseason activities begin, and all athletes are expected to attend. Every effort is made to inform players and parents in advance to the calendar events so that family events, social events, work schedules, and vacations can be scheduled accordingly. Each athlete will earn attendance points and those not earning the appropriate amount of points will have extra work assigned once practice begins in August. Players are to attend the opening team meeting, spring practices, lifting 3 times a week, and other special events as scheduled. The team camp is highly recommended.
In Season August to November:
PIAA physical form must be completed prior to the start of football camp. Penn Manor School District offers a date in June for students at the cost of $20. At times AOL is also able to offer free physicals. Dates are announced and parents must then schedule. Free physicals are offered on a first come first serve. Once appointments are all taken no more are offered. Alert the coach immediately if there is any delay in obtaining the appropriate physical. Physicals must be dated between June 1st and the first August practice yearly. Please see the school website for directions and the use of the "Sportsware" system. All forms are to be uploaded by the parent.
As of August 5th, all practices are mandatory. Vacations, college visits, work scheduled, etc. must be scheduled prior to August practices. At the high school level, the PIAA requires coaches to count practices. Players must participate in a particular number of heat acclimation practices prior to use of football pads, and then a particular number of practices prior to the first scrimmage. Players who miss practices will miss the beginning of season. This can influence the success of the entire team when players are missing. Please schedule carefully and alert the coaching staff immediately of any conflicts.
Through out the season, attendance will be taken. Those athletes with absences will be assigned extra conditioning and may forfeit their starting position, playing time, ability to dress for a game, and or their varsity letter.
School Attendance: School attendance is also very important. Athletes are expected to be on time for school Monday through Friday. Tardy's causes problems in class, and can result in detentions. If tardy's add up please inform the coach in advance.
Detentions: Detentions interfere with practice. If an athlete feels he is in danger of receiving a detention he must speak to the coach in advance so that arrangements can be made in reference to the practice.
Homework: There may be times when an athlete would traditionally stay after school to make up missed school work, or receive extra assistance. This may be very important and very necessary but it also interferes with practice planning and can affect other members of the team. Any student finding themselves in this situation must inform the coach as soon as possible so that appropriate changes can be made prior to practice.
Illness or Injury: If an athlete is not in school for illness or injury or leaves school, please inform the coach immediately. Practice schedules are designed around players and positions. It is important for the coach to be told of any problems to both offer assistance to the athlete and plan for a replacement player at practice and games. In some cases, an athlete with an illness may be able to watch practice instead of participating. In most situations players who cannot participate in practice due to an injury must still continue to attend and expected to attend to hear instructions and announcements, and continue team commitment.
Transportation: There are times when an athlete may have the availability to attend all events but may not have transportation. If this is the situation please contact the coach and efforts will be made to assist the athlete in coordinating with other parents and or players.
Captain Selection
The team and coaches will vote on varsity captains at the beginning of the season. Three captains are selected. In addition a weekly game captain is selected by the coaches. The JV team also has selected captains, but the selection is made weekly based on the number of players participating in each game.
Captains for the varsity team may be Seniors or Juniors. The honor of captain can be removed if needed.
The role of the captains will be to provide leadership, encouragement, and support to the coaches. Captains are expected to meet the following conditions:
- Be the hardest worker at practice today!
- Be a spark of energy and enthusiasm today!
- Model Mental toughness today!
- Connect with a teammate today!
- Compliment a teammate today!
- Challenge a teammate today!
- Support a teammate today!
- Constructively confront negativity, pessimism and laziness today!
- Build and bond your team today!
- Check in with your coach today!
- Remind your team how today's work leads to tomorrow's dreams!
- Represent yourself and the team with class and pride today!
The captains Code of Conduct:
- I will follow the Code of Conduct 24 hours a day throughout the year.
- I will treat younger players as I would like to be treated. There will be no hazing, and nothing immoral, unsafe, or illegal.
- I will attend all practices, and be first on the field. My absences will be approved in advance and only absolutely necessary
- I will be on time for school daily.
- I realize that good conduct in school is important. I will treat teachers and administrators with the same respect that I give my coaches. I understand that detentions are not acceptable
- If I have academic problems, I will see seek extra held during the school day, before school, or after practice if necessary
- I will treat my schoolmates with respect. If I want them to support me on Friday night, then I must support them during the week
- When I speak to media, I will not boast or trash talk. I will be confident, but humble at all times while I praise our opponent
- I will treat my parents with respect at all times
- I will not discuss weekly game plans or other pertinent information with social media, friends, or my parents.
- I will treat officials, game managers, and opposing coaches with respect at all times. I am aware that unsportsmanlike conduct in a game is detrimental to our football program's image of fair play.
- I will behave like a young adult at all times. The community and the world are watching me.
- I will be a top Contender for the Iron Comet Award.
Code of Conduct
Each athlete is required to review and sign the Penn Manor Code of Conduct prior to the beginning of each season. The Code of Conduct summarizes the requirements for behavior, attendance, eligibility, and general information. Each statement must be signed by the athlete and parent.
The Code of Conduct form is available on the Penn Manor High School Website. Refer to the Athletic Department Page, Athletic Administration page, and refer to the documents at the bottom of the page. The Code of Conduct is also available on this website under "Athletic Headquarter". This must also be uploaded on into the sportsware system.
In addition, the football coaching staff will insist in each member of the team to remember their behavior both on and off the field is very important. Each player is asked to respect their attitude, and behavior as it represents the entire team. In addition, it is important for all players to learn how to properly treat others outside of the team and respect all teachers, parents, and peers.
The Athlete Department can be contacted if needed: Mr. Pat Tocci, Athletic Director; Penn Manor High School; Athletic Department; P.O. Box 1001; Millersville, Pa. 17551-0301; Phone: (717) 872-9520 Ext. 1367; Fax: (717) 871-9016; Email: pat.tocci@pennmanor.net.
Also available on the Penn Manor Athlete Department Website is the Measure of Success report.
The coaching staff will rely heavily on communicating current information with the athletes and parents through the use of email and the Remind App. You can stay connected and informed by ensuing you check and read the emails and or Remind notices in a timely fashion. If you do not have an email please contact the coach so alternative forms of communication can be discussed. The coach may also be contacted by email or phone as needed. All last min calendar changes or fast information to be shared will be on the remind app.
Information and announcements will also be shared with players at practice and other events. If you are an athlete who has attendance issues you will miss announcements and other needed information. Any player missing events must be responsible to find out what they missed.
The coaching staff is available to talk to you and your parent as much as needed and will always be approachable. You are encouraged to talk to the coach directly if you have a concern. If your parents would like a meeting they are encouraged to request a conference with the coach during a time that does not interfere with practice or games. It is important that meetings be scheduled and planned by both parties. Please call or e-mail a coach to request a meeting. It is important that both the coach and player/parent have a clear understanding of each other's role. When a conference is necessary, the following procedures should be followed to help promote a resolution to the issue or concern.
- Player should request a meeting with coach to address concern. If possible there should be 2 coaches in the meeting.
- If parent(s) and player do not feel the concern was addressed, the parent(s) may schedule a meeting with the coaches. Parent(s), player and coaches should attend.
- If parent(s) and player do not feel the concern was addressed completely the parent(s) may schedule a meeting with the Athletic Director. All of the participants must be in attendance with Athletic Director.
- If the parent(s) and player do not feel the concern was addressed completely the parent(s) may schedule a meeting with the High School Principal. All participants in should be in attendance with Principal, who is final arbiter
If a parent or community member has a question or concern regarding a general athletic issue or procedure, they should first address the Athletic Director.
Athletic Administration
Mr. Tocci, Athletic Director
Penn Manor High School; Athletic Department; P.O. Box 1001; Millersville, Pa. 17551-0301
Phone: (717) 872-9520 Ext. 1367; Fax: (717) 871-9016; Email: pat.tocci@pennmanor.net
Educational Standing
Home Room In the past, the football players are assigned by grade to attend the football home room. Currently this may vary year to year depending on the class schedules. When football homeroom is possible it will permit added time for announcements, game planning, and other football activities. This is also a time for the coach to provide any added advisement to class work, college preparation and other educational questions.
Grades and Eligibility: All athletes must maintain a C average in all classes. Grades are important for an athlete's full development. For any athlete hoping to continue their education grades will be considered. Last year 65% of the football team was on the honor roll. Each year the team should strive to improve the number of players who make the honor roll.
School Attendance: Students must attend school. If they are absent from school they may not participate in practice or school events for that day. Exceptions are made for preplanned college visits/testing, school related function, or emergency. If an athlete is absent on a Friday, they may still attend an event on Saturday with the coaches permission.
College/Secondary Education Planning: Secondary education planning is very important. Whether an athletes is interested in playing a sport, attending college, attending a trade school, or joining the military, it is important to keep the coach informed. The coaching staff can assist athletes in the planning process.
Scholarship: The Bill Beck Scholarship Event is held each January. This scholarship is offered to any Penn Manor student who played high school football. The scholarship applications are available through the guidance office. The form is also available on this football website. Those involved with PMJC may also apply for a scholarship through that program.
Helmets: Helmets will be distributed in May for passing work outs. Jersey numbers must be selected in May or June so that numbers can be placed on the helmets. Number selection is given to players with the best attendance. Players are expected to care for the helmet and ensure it is not lost or stolen. Players will also be provided with a mouth piece at this time. Reminder: athletes are not to take another players helmet, and should consider the different options for mouth pieces as stated in the "Safety" tab.
Shoulder Pads: Shoulder pads and a practice jersey will be handed out in May or June. However, the PIAA does change this requirement at times. Due to this reason, hand out dates are subject to change.
Additional Uniform and Equipment: The equipment manager for the team will select dates in July, typically the last Thursday and Friday of July, to hand out additional uniforms and equipment. Players will receive 3 pair of game pants, 2 jerseys, practice pants, practice jersey, helmet, shoulder pads, knee pads, belt, girdle, gym bag, and additional pads as needed. Throughout the season athletes may see the equipment manager if they are having any problems with the uniform or equipment. All equipment must be returned or the athlete will be charged a replacement fee. Players are encouraged to obtain their own cleats, and girdle and mouth piece if you are able. Many players like to have their own gloves as well. Some years depending on the budget team socks may be distributed.
Extra Equipment: Sometimes as a player you see NFL or college players wearing additional pads, sleeves, etc... Some of these items may be valuable and some of these items are just for show. If you have any questions please ask your coach. The one additional item I would recommend for lineman is knee braces. Tinted face shields are not permitted by PIAA. Each year there may be additional items that PIAA do not accept. Always ask the coach first before buying extra items.
Laundry: Laundry is available for players. (if approved by school budget) Jerseys are collected after the varsity and junior varsity game. The jerseys are then redistributed on Thursday. Players may also select to take their uniform home to be washed. However, the laundry service also reconditions the jersey's by mending tears. In the event the school budget does not include laundry service, players will be expected to take uniforms home and clean for each game.
Players are also required to take their equipment pads home routinely to be washed. The inside of the helmets should be cleaned, shoulder pads etc... Every attempt to keep equipment clean should be considered for good hygiene and good health.
Players must shower after every game and practice, whether at the school or at home to prevent the spread of illness.
Locker Room: Players may use a lock to lock up any valuables. Players are asked to do their best to respect the condition of the locker room so that every player has the space they need. The locker room is for the football team only and at no time should anyone else use the locker room.
The Penn Manor School District provides the team with equipment, and uniforms. They are the property of the school and every athlete is expected to treat these items with respect. All uniforms and equipment supplied to the athlete must be returned or they will be invoiced for the item. The team equipment manager will hand out and collect all equipment. If at any time the equipment is lost, stolen, or broken it must be reported to the team equipment manager.
There are additional items and supplies that an athlete will need. Please see the list below.
- Shoes: Athletes will need to purchase their own football cleats. Players may buy their own or use the team on lines sales for player discounts. Players should wear black or black and white cleats only. Underarmour also offers a white and navy combination. No additional colors that do not match the team.
- Socks: If the budget allows, the team will order matching socks.The booster club and school will see that players are given at least one pair of socks. Players may buy their own as well. Each player needs one pair of blue and one pair of white, available through the on line team sales to order extras as needed.
- Summer Shirts: All team members will need a summer shirt to use for camps, passing work outs ect... Every attempt possible is made to keep the cost of the team shirt between $20 and $32. At times fundraising goals are used to lower the cost.
- Additional Items: Additional items will be selected and provided for purchase on the team sales website.
Event Descriptions
Team Workouts: Work outs will be scheduled in the off season (Jan-April) and pre season (May-July). All players are encouraged to attend these to receive additional practice and instruction. These workouts may be scheduled indoors during the winter months, and outside once the weather warms up. Depending on the time of year will determine if the workouts will include helmets or not. Work outs are for the full team unless specified by the coach. Penn Manor off and pre season works typically include:
- Saturday or Sunday workouts scheduled in winter, spring and summearl as indicated on the team calendar. These are often referred to as "Quarter Back Club", and Lineman Practices.
- Nook workouts in the field house-see calendar if scheduled
- Wednesday workouts in the summer months
- Wilson Day, Manheim 7 on 7, and or Penn State 7 on 7 held in June
- Lineman Challenge in June at Manheim.
- Summer workouts with other schools as schedule
Flag Football in April: The Penn Manor football team host Spring Flag football. Spring Flag football is for all boys in grades 3 to 8. Players will be instructed on football fundamentals such as running, throwing and catching. Teams will consist of players of similar ages and grades. High School football players will be assigned to coach each team. Games will consist of two 20 minute halves and are designed to be fast paced and full of action. Each player will receive a game T-shirt.
Plan to arrive 60 minutes before your scheduled game time. Teams will consist of 7 to 10 players on the field at a time. Flags will be used. All players are eligible to throw and catch the football.
Lineman Challenge: The Lineman Challenge is scheduled in June and held at Manheim Central High School. The Challenge fees are used to raise money for an identified charity. Schools may put together teams of five at the coast of $100 per team. Only linemen physically ready may participate in this event, others are encouraged to attend to watch to prepare for a future year. Parents are courage to attend to support the teams. The event takes most of the day and lunch is provided to the players. The day is designed with several competitive events testing strength and speed. A permission form is required to attend. Lunch is provided.
Millersville Team Camp: The Penn Manor football team will attend the Millersville summer camp. There is a cost to this camp. Fundraisers will be scheduled to assist athletes in coving the cost. For those athletes that continue to have a financial hardship, please contact the coach privately. The goal is for every team member to attend camp. This is an overnight camp that includes meals. In the evenings, some players like to use spending money to order pizza and drinks. This team camp is the same time every year, or very close to the same dates every year, so plan vacation carefully.
Team Picnic: In early June a team picnic will be scheduled. This will be a cover dish gathering. Each family will be asked to bring a dish to share. This will be a time for families to meet each other. This will also be a time for several tasks to be completed including but not limited to:
- Introduce the booster club board, and learn where help is needed
- Introduce the coaching staff
- Explain the summer program and in season schedule
- Kick off the beginning sale of the spirit wear
- Answer questions about the program
Heat Acclimation-Mandatory:: Heat Acclimation is a state mandated activity. All football players must participate in the PIAA required days of heat acclimation before they can begin the regular football practices. Heat Acclimation will be scheduled the week before football camp begins. These are mandatory and may not be missed.
Summer Practices-Mandatory: Summer practices in August are mandatory. Meals and snacks are often provided. Players must bring water coolers.
Charity and Community Service Events:: The football program is always open to participate in community service and charity events. All team members are also encourage to volunteer when opportunities are made available. These activities vary from year to year and will be announced as they are scheduled.\
Penn Manor provides a comprehensive sports physical for a reduced price every year in June over the summer. While student-athletes may choose to have their sports physicals performed by a physician of their choice, all sports physicals must be recorded on the PIAA CIPPE form (sections 1-6). All recertification's must be on the PIAA CIPPE form (section 7). No other forms are acceptable. The physical form is will be handed out to all students and the dates for the physical will be added to summer calendar when they become available. Additional PIAA physical forms are also available on the school website. Re-Certification Physical Form (section 7), and Optional Voluntary Student Accident Insurance is also available.
The school has traditionally offered a physical day at the cost of $20, checks payable to Dr. Weaver. AOL has traditionally offered a day for physicals free of charge. When dates are selected they will be announced.
Drug Testing: Penn Manor has adopted a random drug testing policy. If you are randomly selected you will be notified.
All physicals must be loaded into the schools "Sportware" system.
Injury Protocol
Procedure: Every effort is made to reduce injuries but football is a physical sport and some injuries do occur. The school provides an excellent trainer who is available Monday through Friday. Many basic injuries can be addressed by the trainer and assist the athlete in returning to activity as soon as possible. A team doctor is also available on the side lines at most Friday night football games.
If you (the athlete) suffers an injury it is important that you report the incident and can be treated immediately. For example if an injury occurs on Friday do not wait until Monday to report. Injuries and concerns from a game need reported to the trainer & coach immediately after the event so that if additional care can be arranged.
Medical Care: As a player seeking medical attention you may seek a first and or second opinion. Consider doctors who specialize in sport injuries. It also recommended that athletes follow the doctor's instructions and begin physical therapy as soon as possible when recommended. In addition there is a local practice who specializes in Active Release Therapy who ranges in treating professional athletes to non athletes. This practice is Seigenthaler Active Release Therapy, 2323 Oregon Pike, Lancaster 569-8905; lancasterartchiro.com. The doctors available are Dr. Paul Pettay and Dr. Jim Seigenthaler.
Concussions: Each athlete will be tested prior to the football season beginning, so that the trainer has a baseline evaluation. In the event of a diagnosis of a concussion, the player will sit out of football for a minimum of 1 week and most likely two weeks, and follow the protocol set up by the trainer in order to return. Please see the "Safety in Football" for additional information concerning the steps that can be taken by the player and the steps taken by the coaching staff to reduce concussions. These steps can include but are not limited to:
- Participate in weight training and conditioning
- Properly fit helmet or use of special concussion helmet (the school has 12)
- Proper tackling
- Properly fit mount piece
Injury Procedure of Notification: All athlete's are to follow the injury notification steps to ensure proper care and attention.
- Report your injury to the coaching staff, and then report to the trainer
- Receive care from trainer
- In the event the trainer is not available, return and notify the coach immediately, so that alternative care can be arranged.
- The trainer or the coach will notify the parent in the event of serious injury
- The trainer will keep the coaching staff informed of players reporting injuries, care needed, and when they can return to play
Players injured are still expected to attend practice with the team, to provide ongoing leadership, socialize and cooperate with the team.
To Contact the Trainer:
Athletic Training Staff; Kelly St. John McNeal
Head Athletic Trainer;
Email: Kelly.st.john@pennmanor.net;
Phone: 717.872.9520 x 1225
JV Team
The Penn Manor football program also provides junior varsity games for players to continue the learning experience. Junior Varsity games are held on Mondays at 4pm. (unless identified differently) Separated practice time will be devoted to the JV team on Saturday mornings to prepare for Monday's game.
Team Availability: Parents and players must also understand that all JV games are tentative and at times could be canceled. Games canceled due to weather are often not rescheduled. Another larger issue that can cause a JV game to be canceled is the lack of players. Either the opposing team or the Penn Manor team may experience injuries at the varsity level that requires JV players to be moved to Varsity. This may provide a shortage of players in certain positions to continue to have the JV game. Every attempt is made to make sure the JV games can continue, but there may be times when the safety of team must come first.
Player and Parent Responsibilities
Player Responsibilities:
As a Player, I have read and understand the expectations set forth by our Code of Conduct. I will follow this policy during the season and during the off-season.
As a member of the football team I will conduct myself at all times based on the Mission and Vision of our program.
- I will give a great effort in the classroom. It is my responsibility to be on time and in attendance, seek help if necessary, and maintain a clean record of behavior.
- I understand that I am a part of a team. The success of the team is a result of the positive contributions of its members working toward a common goal.
- I will come to school and football practice ready to work and learn. I will be respectful towards teachers, coaches, and teammates. I will work hard to be a positive representative of the Program
- Communication is most important. I will effectively communicate with my teachers, coaches and parents.
- Unexcused absence from practice is pro