2018 High School Football Team
penn manor athletics
Home of the comets
Boys Varsity Football

Exeter Scrimmage
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Penn Manor Comets held a scrimmage with Exeter in Reading PA. The team worked had a good showing with each team scoring once during the scrimmage. Now it's time to hit the practice field again to prepare for the Season opener against Conestoga Valley.
Summer Practices
Updated on 06/10/2022
Data to be loaded.
Glow Dodge Ball
Updated on 06/10/2022
Data to be loaded.
Golf Outing
Updated on 06/10/2022
Data to be loaded

Millersville Summer Camp
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Penn Manor Comets participated in 3 days of Summer Camp at Millersville University. 40 players attended in full day events. See the photo album created.
Updated on 06/10/2022
Please Select Above the "2019-2020 Season" for Current Information. All New Information will be posted under 2019-2020 starting January 1, 2019.

Wilson and Solanco Work Outs
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Penn Manor Comets participated in June with a full day work out at Wilson. They then traveled to Solanco for a work out in with the team in June and in July. Great practice over the summer.

Youth Camp
Updated on 06/10/2022
This was the second year the Penn Manor Middle School coaches held a Jr Comet Camp. Over 50 kids participated in a 3 day camp. Past and current players participated in helping teach the youth learn skills and drills.
Lineman Day
Updated on 06/10/2022
This year the Penn Manor Comets sent three teams to the Lineman Challenge in June. The Blue Team placed 6th, and the Gold Team placed 8th. This was first time Penn Manor had 2 different teams place in the top 10 of over 40 teams participating.
The Blue Team consisted of: Adam Becker, Ben Weaver, Nicholas Baker, and Nicholas Mann. The Gold Team consisted of Keaton Eachus, Ryan Mahoney, Joel Stoner, and Aaron Yoder. The White Team consisted of Doran Adelman, Matthew Ruiz, Max Jesberger.
Team Picnic
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Penn Manor Football Team held their 3rd annual team and family picnic. This is the time for the parents to meet the coaches, learn of the summer program, and collect needed paperwork. Everyone enjoyed the evening eating, socializing,and playing corn hole.

Summer Clincs
Updated on 06/10/2022
Several players participated in summer clinics held at local colleges. Here is just one example of a few kids that visited Shippensburg University.

Tri County All Stars
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Penn Manor Coaching staff was honored to coach for the South Tri County All Star game this year held on Memorial Day weekend. The players are selected from area schools nominated by coaches. Coaches may not nominate any of their own players. The North and South began practices two weeks before the game. The game was held on a perfect Saturday evening. This year Penn Manor has four participants: Paison Harris, Ben Wright, Evann Jones, and Casey McCollum.

Big 33
Updated on 06/10/2022
Congratulations Casey for being selected to the Big 33 PA team.

Flag Football
Updated on 06/10/2022
This year over 210 youth from grades 2 to 8 participated in Flag Football. Games were held for 4 weeks in April on great sunny days. At the May Penn Manor Spring Fling we were able to hold the Championship games. It was a great evening just missing the rain, and followed by fire works. It was a great evening. Special things to the mothers who helped at the refreshment stand, the fathers who helped referee, the high school team for coaching and the coaching staff for their assistance. This was the three year for this event. The event has grown and evolved each year with improvements. The Penn Manor football programs hopes to continue to promote safety and fun in football.

Updated on 06/10/2022
Special Thanks to Leisure Lanes for providing the Penn Manor Football community for a day of bowling. 30 high school players participated, as well as 30 youth players and family members. Thank you all for your participation.

Signing Day
Updated on 06/10/2022
Penn Manor had 7 football players decide to play college football.
Casey McCollum-Lafayette
Evann Jones-Lebanon Valley
Paisun Harris-Lebanon Valley
Cole Heckaman-F&M
Ben Wright-F&M
Josiah Ewards-Stevens
Michael Brown-Stevens

Lift A Thon
Updated on 06/10/2022
Top Lifter: Stephen Albright with 400 reps
2nd Place: Aaron Gale with 326 reps
3rd Place: Logan Legenstein with 231 reps
4th Place: Zach Banta with 195 reps
5th Place: Liam Hart with 193 reps
Top Fundraiser: Liam Hart
Top Bench Lift: Josh Gibson
Top Deadlift: Stephen Albright
Top Squat: Josh Gibson, and Logan Legenstein
Additional Participants: Aaron Yoder 182, Hunter Hoffman 182, Josh Gibson 168, Joel Stoner 165, Issac Hostetter 162, Greg Zanowiak 115, Jared Musser 110,and Keaton Eachus 107. Additional participants included: Ryan Mahoney, Kyle Murr, Ben Weaver, Issac Stoltzfus, Nick Mann.

Bill Beck Dance
Updated on 06/10/2022
The year the Bill Beck Tail Gate Party was held on January 27th. There were over 75 participants. The evening was filled with, fun, socializing, corn hole tournament, prizes, and food.
Special thanks to Kellie Eachus for organizing the event. Many other boosters were also very helpful in donating items for raffle, food, and set up for the event. We would also like to thank the Kellers for preparing the pork, and the Garbers for organizing the corn hole event. The above photo is a picture of the winners.