2018 High School Football Team
penn manor athletics
Home of the comets
Boys Varsity Football
Lift A Thon
The Penn Manor Comet Football Team participates in an Iron Comet Lift-A-Thon to support the Four Diamonds. This event began in 2016 and continues annually in coordination with the Penn Manor Mini Thon. Each year the team seeks to raise $2000 to $3000 as their goal for this program.
The Four Diamonds mission is to conquer childhood cancer by assisting children treated at Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital and their families through superior care, comprehensive support, and innovative research. Since its creation in 1972, Four Diamonds has helped 1,000's of children and families and supported a diverse platform of childhood cancer research at Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital, seeking improved treatments and cures to benefit those around the world. Because of the community's steady and generous support, Four Diamonds has been able to assist 100% of the childhood cancer patients who have been treated at Penn State Hershey.
Each athlete lifted 70% of their body weight in 3 core lifts; bench, squat, and the deadlift. The number of repetitions were counted and added together for each of the 3 lifts to determine a total. Each athlete targeted to reach 50 to 80 reps depending on their strength. Each year the Penn Manor team has raised from $2,500 to $3,200 annually.
Lift A Thon sponsorship form is available as a download on the left column of the Home page.
Current Record Holders since 2016 include: Total Reps: Stephen Albright 400 reps in 2018
Total Donations Collected: Liam Hart in 2018
Total Lifts in Squat: Aydan Hinkle 100 reps in 2017
Total Lifts in Bench: Jacob Hollinger 30 reps in 2017
Total Lifts in Dead Lift: Stephen Albright 328 reps in 2018
Total Team Donations Collected: 2016 Team
2018 Results
Top Lifter: Stephen Albright with 400 reps
2nd Place: Aaron Gale with 326 reps
3rd Place: Logan Legenstein with 231 reps
4th Place: Zach Banta with 195 reps
5th Place: Liam Hart with 193 reps
Top Fundraiser: Liam Hart
Top Bench Lift: Josh Gibson
Top Deadlift: Stephen Albright
Top Squat: Josh Gibson, and Logan Legenstein
Additional Participants: Aaron Yoder 182, Hunter Hoffman 182, Josh Gibson 168, Joel Stoner 165, Issac Hostetter 162, Greg Zanowiak 115, Jared Musser 110, Keaton and Eachus 107. Results are still being collected for Ryan Mahoney, Kyle Murr, Ben Weaver, Issac Stoltzfus, Nick Mann, Jiel Echavarria.
2017 Results
Top Lifter: Jacob Hollinger with 220 reps
2nd Place: Aydan Hinkle with 200 reps
3rd Place: Stephen Albright with 168 reps
4th Place: Cole Heckaman with 156 reps
5th Place: Taraje Whitfield with 148 reps
Top Bench Lift: Jacob Hollinger with 30 reps
Top Dead Lift: Jacob Hollinger with 110 reps
Top Squat Lift: Aydan Hinkle with 100 reps
Additional Participants: Michael Brown 147, Aaron Yoder 132, Chris Keller 128, Joel Stoner 118, Zach Banta 113, Greg Zanowiak 111, Paisun Harris 101, Evann Jones 78, Chad Buffenmyer 47, Zairen Lee 46, and Aaron Gale.
2016 Results
Top lifter: Mark Yoder with 179 reps
2nd Place: Cavan Zechman with 169 reps
3rd Place: Theoren McElheny with 153 reps
4th Place: Michael Morris with 143 reps
5th Place: Kyle Groff with 131 reps
Top Fundraiser: Shane Shirk
Top Squat Lift: Cavan Zechman with 83 reps
Top Dead Lift: Mark Yoder with 83 reps
Top Bench Lift: Theoren McElheny with 26 reps
Additional Participants: Josiah Edwards 130, Shane Shirk 129, Zach Banta 121, Cole Heckaman 120, Vinny Vozzella 120, Andrew Eshleman 120, Ben Wright 115, Jacob Hollinger 112, Mason Sottek 110, Shawn Harnish 106, Joe Santiago 100, Dan Mahoney 97, Chris Keller 92, Paisun Harris 87, Greg Zanowiak 77, Ryan Mahoney 72, Joel Stoner 71, Keaton Eachus 70, and Justin Eshleman 61.