penn manor athletics

Home of the comets

Boys Varsity Football

Booster Club-Donations-Sponsorship

Manor Pride Gridiron Club

The MPGC is designed to raise funds to assist in the support of Penn Manor Comet Football.  Funds raised assist in providing the team with meals, shirts, socks, supplies, equipment, team camp fees, team clinic fees, scholarship funds, supplies, banquets, and more.  The board meetings the third Monday of each month. Meeting notes are available upon request.  There are 4 officers and 5 managers, and many volunteers

Board Member List

President, Michele Braas,

Vice President, Kim Stoltzfus,

Treasure, Valerie Hatfield,

Secretary, Stephanie Keck

Manager, Amy Adelman

Manager, George Suydam

Manager, Jim Keck

Manager, Ashley Glessner

Manager, Katie Hess

Manager, Karen Warfel

Member-Attendee, Karen and Dan Kreider

Member-Attendee, Shannon Hanna

Member-Attendee, Vicki Stuart

Member-Attendee, Tina Allen

Committee Chairs

Chicken BBQ-Jim Keck

Apparel-Amy Adelman

Banquet 2019-Tina Allen & Amy Adelman

Bell Beck Event 2020-Kim Stoltzfus

Golf Tournament-Scott Keibler and Jim  Keck

Player Meals-Kim Stoltzfus

Game Photos-Janna Brubaker

Spirit-Steph Muff

Senior Night-Janna Brubaker & Tina Allen

Programs-Michelle Braas and Tina Allen

Flag Football Snack Stand-




You can help us succeed in our mission to ensure the continued success of Penn Manor football not only for today's athletes, but for many years to come. With the community's support, we can all have a part in continuing to build upon the proud Penn Manor football tradition.

Please mail checks to: Manor Pride Grid Iron Club (MPGC), Box 184, Millersville, Pa 17551.  A pay pail account is currently being set up and hopefully the link will be available soon.


Community members are invited to advertise your business or player spirit in the Manor "Pride" Football Print Program for the fall sports season.  Sponsors are invited to consider advertisement with a COMET CLUB membership.

Contact Michele Braas for more information or to receive advertising contract.  Deadline to advertise is the second week of August.  Contact Michele Braas at