2024 Comets
penn manor athletics
Home of the comets
Boys Varsity Football
Interested in college football in your future
Go online to a college(s) of interest and complete a “player profile” or “prospective player” or “recruits” to fill out your contact information so the college coaches are aware of your interest. Some colleges have their own football website separate from the athletic department. Also, all have social media contacts. Let me know if you need help.
What are potential programs you are interested in studying?
What is the GPA requirement for a college of interest?
Find out when they have a 1-day prospect camp. These are valuable in the recruiting process. Coaches want to see you in person to evaluate and connect with you.
Update any HUDL highlight plays that you have from previous seasons, keep highlights to less than 20 plays and make sure your best is in the top 5. Make your HUDL profile public.
Create an online profile for football to promote yourself. Many college football coaches use Instagram and X. This will give you a venue to broadcast information about yourself to prospective coaches. Make sure you have a link to HUDL attached.
Clean up your social media. What you share, have links to, and discuss on social media will say a lot about your character. College coaches will view your info.
Communicate with Coach Brubaker about your interests since I am the first point of contact from college coaches.
This can be discussed at your coaches’ meeting.
College Combines:
College Combine events are shared with parents and can be a valuable tool. However, players should not miss any of their own team practices or events to participate. Note: if a player travels out of state to a combine there could be different regulations, but all PA athletes must follow PIAA guidelines.
Note to parents, there are many services that charge money for their services as well as camps. Be ware of schemes and promises that can not be met. Please share with the head coach your plans so he can advice and direct the player as best as possible.
College Recruiter Information Form
If interested in college football, players should complete this document and return to coach by August 5th.