penn manor athletics
Home of the comets
Boys Varsity Football
Team News.
6.0 years ago @ 11:43AM
How to Use This Website
This website is free so navigation may be limited. However we have made every attempt to make information available to all parents, players and fans. Please be sure you are in the current season and use the Fall, Football, Boys Varsity page for all information. The additional sections will only include the schedule. All information for the High School Team will be found under “Boys Varsity”.
For any printable forms such as roster, calendar, physical, and other forms are all found under "Team Files". A team roster is also available from this tab.
Anyone may download photo albums and once loaded, will be reviewed prior to publishing.
Archive information will be made available under Team Files as the information is retrieved from the past website.
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Penn Manor Athletics @ AD Comets
Comet Football @ pennmanorFBall
5.0 years ago @ 9:12PM
Middle School Football is for grades 7, 8 and 9. There is a varsity (freshman) team and a JV (typically 7 and 8th grade) team. Contact Coach Boxeleitner for complete information. Summary and basic information is found on the Boys Varsity pages.
Go Comets!
Please note the High School calendar does include some middle school information to use as a guide. Some information is subject to change due to the construction and change in available grass fields for practice.
Due to Covid 19 and the construction at Penn Manor High School, events and plans have been moved and rescheduled. Families are emailed directly with current information. If you are not receiveing the emails contact Coach Stuart.
5.0 years ago @ 2:13PM
If you wish to make a donation to the Penn Manor Football, please see the "Donate" button.
Thank you.